›› -------------------› Multi-Mode-Fader: › -------------------››The program "MULFADE.COM" is a multi›graphics mode fader/slideshow for›uncompressed 62 sector XLE pictures.›To use it correctly and load the pics›properly, you should use these›extenders:››Graphics 8: *.GR8 / *.PI8›Graphics 9: *.GR9 / *.PI9›Graphics 9+11: *.256 / *.AP2›Graphics 15: *.G15 / *.P15››It is assumed that all pictures are›uncompressed and no longer than 62›single sectors. The graphic modes 8,›9 and 15 are standard XLE modes, they›should be well known. Graphics 9+11›is a sort of interlaced mode, we have›chosen the Apac-2 / Paint 256 format,›which has also 62 sectors in length.››The Multi-Mode-Fader will load all›four graphic modes and contains›some very useful extra functions:›› = Reboot (Cold Start !!)›