--------------› PICTURE SHOWER› --------------››Keys:››K - load Koala file›L - load Microillustrator file›S - save Microillustrator file›C - catalog of disk›Q - quit›12345 - picture reduction›SHIFT + 12345 - save reducted picture›I - invers picture›H - convert 4-colors picture to 16-colors›I - convert 4-colors picture to *** SEE IT !!! ***›SHIFT + Clear - clear picture›SPC - picture show›TAB - special picture show (select 1-5 keys)›E - exchange colors (4-colors picture)›CONTROL + arrow keys - you may set which color exchange into other color›- = to see more files in directory.››If you get to 'picture show' try keys then:›1234QW - select ANTIC & GTIA modes›ZXCV - select color register›-=+* - change selected color register›ESC - I don't like this picture.››Program was written by Mozart/WSL.››Short info:›Something more about program ??? Write to me !›› My addy:››Mozart/WSL›ul.1 Maja 4/33›18-200 Wysokie Maz.›woj. Lomza›POLAND !!!››*** SEE YA ! ***›››