›› TIPview v0.3›› As can be guessed from its name,› this program is meant to display TIP› format pictures. TIP graphics can› be easily obtained using the TIPconv› utility, which is a part of the "TIP› tools" package (just like TIPview).› As of present version, TIPview› supports images that are 160 pixels› wide, 1-119 pixels high and› uncompressed (TIP version 0.1).›› Requirements:› - ATARI XL/XE (or 400/800 with GTIA)› - disk drive› - (preferably color) monitor›› Usage is trivial. The program› starts with a blue screen ;) where› shown is current disk drive and the› text "1-9, SPC - dir", which is› clear enough, I think.›› Keys:› SPC - read directory from current› disk drive› 1-9 - read directory from selected› disk drive› RET - read and display a picture› TAB - show previously loaded picture› ESC - exit to DOS›› In case of an error, the program› shows "I/O Error- xxx", where xxx› is the error code. Code 127 means› unsupported file format.› Any key (except BREAK, SHIFT,› CTRL, CTRL+1, etc. ;)) takes you› from the picture to the blue screen.›› Included are some example files,› unfortunately I hadn't anything more› interesting at hand, so you should› feel happy for just the presence› of any examples. I'd appreciate› beautiful TIP pictures and comments› for the program sent to my email.› Thank you in advance.›› Credits:› idea, .TIP file format, program,› testing:› Epi/Allegresse› Xasm 2.5, TIP graphics mode, etc.:› Fox/Taquart› msedit 2.0.036:› microshit› APE 1.16:› Steven J. Tucker› Qmeg 4.3:› Stefan Dorndorf, Gumi/Tight›› Greetz:› 0xF/PMWD, Jowisz&TeZet/Animkomials›› Contact: Epi/Allegresse› Adrian Matoga› ul. Jezdziecka 11› 30-698 KRAKOW, POLAND› phone: +48505713863› email: epi@atari.pl››