dxRMT was built to use the LZSS as player. POKEY has 9 registers to update for ALL possible sound combinations. dXRMT, as the only available real Synthesizer/Tracker software, doesn't just handle all sound programming "stiff each replay step". It runs the sound generating on and on, and makes a "photo" of the replay position and puts it to the registers of POKEY. At the end, the player (and the coder) has to grand the replay positions at the exact same timing as in the editor. This allows to use timed programming and to reach sounds that weren't possible in standard programming.
See this vid in RMT 1.31. PWM is used for vibrato ....
POKEY Software still sticking in the past... Still today, people don't really know what PoKey really can do.
The upper line (after01:57) shows forward and backward sawtooth. The wave is a resulting tone caused by low tone interference. the 1,79MHz channels build a 3,4MHz tone generator. Using some fast tickling of both channels causes the up and down waves. Doing that calulations in a digitizer, it will work like a "Gauß"-Filter and kill all noise. We had some nice talk in the Atariage forums till the Trolls entered the thread.
It's the same people who named me idiot for explaining to use lower resolutions and color plus cute animations, that tell today how "great the new Atari demos and games look" .
mlc - zdaje się, że gość chce pokazać światu co A8 potrafi najniższym kosztem proca, większość dobrych produkcji obciąża dość znacznie proca, czy to C64 czy A8, nie nadają się do niczego innego jak do demonstracji możliwości danego układu
mlc "farting" sounds is the main thing SID can do . Squealing is not really possible on a 3,5kHz phonetype chip ;)
As rosomak has explained: While you post CPU stuff, I'm still on the unused features of PoKey. Giving examples for interested people. As simply the Software is missing.
This Intro uses a lot more colours than the C64 has. The image runs a color kernel that uses most of the screen time for that. You see the "simple" scroller and there is a PoKey tune. The specs of the tune: 1 VBI speed to not interfere with the screen. 2 all voices active 3 There is a programmed reverb 4 There is some synthetic speech 5 There is a double bass line 6 Resulting in virtual 6 voices
I can hear you saying: Naaa... I don't like the music , and the blue isn't violet enough ;)
But , to resemble this demo on a Commodore computer, you'd need a Plus 4 with an added SID to use toghter with the build in soundchip.
mlc that's the point. One could solve miracles and you just put the argument "I don't like it" just it's not at your bias. That's why I don't take care about those argues.
Every tune and intro is something "impossible". The main problem is that many decades passed by and people lost the focus of the real thing. If people did take care in the past, we still wouldn't sit on incomplete software.
Particular this one..."average image and ugly music" is again something that p....s on the C64
You just ignore it, because it's not in your bias...
The only point here is that people on the C64 scene DO the needed stuff, as today complete game designing software is available. People without any knowledge of the C64 coding, can make games like "Mayhem in Wonderland" , while I'm still fiddling with limited software ...